
Takes 2 minS
Earn $2.40
Earn 240 pts
Worth $2.40
Worth 240 pts
Takes 2 mins
Earn $2.40 (240 Points) after successfully signing up for a ClassPass Free Trial.
Click on the "Start Free Trial" button on ClassPass after selecting the free trial of your choice.
Follow the prompts to enter your information, choose a plan, and activate your free trial.
It takes up to 2 days for pending points to reach your account. Your pending points automatically convert to tradable points after around 30 days.
Cancel your free trial for free anytime
within 30 Days after starting.
About ClassPass
ClassPass is a leading fitness membership platform that offers access to thousands of gyms, fitness studios, and wellness experiences worldwide. With ClassPass, users can easily book a wide variety of workout classes, including yoga, Pilates, strength training, and more, all through a single membership. Designed for flexibility and convenience, ClassPass allows members to explore new fitness options and stay active on their own schedule. Whether you’re looking to try new classes or maintain a consistent routine, ClassPass provides the variety and access to help you reach your fitness goals.
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